Videos for public health educators

What is Public Health??

Health Promotion and the Ottawa Charter - Creating Healthier Populations:

Introduction to Public Health

Let’s be active for health for all

REACH- Diabetes Prevention and Management -- Society for Public Health Education, Washington, DC

A New World of Public Health Education: The Columbia MPH

Ethics matters in health

DHHS Tasmania, Public Health Services - Waste and Linen Management Education

Des tests pour prédire la maladie d’Alzheimer ? On t’en parle en moins d’une minute ! ⏱️🚀

High Blood Pressure Basics

Disseminating Public Health Education on Social Media the Right Way | Varun Aitharaju | TEDxNEOMED

CUNY SPH: Exceptional graduate education in public health.

What is Public Health? Crash Course Public Health #1

Why students should have mental health days | Hailey Hardcastle

What is Public Health?

What is Health Equity? Episode 2 of 'That's Public Health'

Bringing Healthcare to the People

AMR Public Health Education film

Public health education

What are Public Health Educators

Public Health Education at Texila American University

Distinguishing advocacy, lobbying and education: Tips for public health outreach

CDC NERD Academy Activity Demo for Educators: How are public health data visualized?- Audio Descr

What is Mental Health?